Junior High Theater Presents “That Was No Lady, That Was a Private Eye”, Dress Rehearsal

ED-100 Grace Prep Auditorium 3300 Interstate 20 West, Arlington, TX, United States

Step into the world of Dashiell Hammett, Phillip Marlowe, and Sam Spade, for this spoof on classic film noir detective stories.  Her name is Phyliss Harlowe and her lip gloss is bulletproof.  She has a landlord who wants the rent, a secretary who's deeply into the soaps, and a frightened client who wants protection.  She also has a...

Junior High Theater Presents “That Was No Lady, That Was a Private Eye”, Performance

ED-100 Grace Prep Auditorium 3300 Interstate 20 West, Arlington, TX, United States

Grace Prep's Junior High Theater Class Presents "That Was No Lady, That Was a Private Eye" Step into the world of Dashiell Hammett, Phillip Marlowe, and Sam Spade, for this spoof on classic film noir detective stories.  Her name is Phyliss Harlowe and her lip gloss is bulletproof.  She has a landlord who wants the rent, a secretary...

Junior High Theater Presents “That Was No Lady, That Was a Private Eye”, Performance

ED-100 Grace Prep Auditorium 3300 Interstate 20 West, Arlington, TX, United States

Grace Prep's Junior High Theater Class presents: "That Was No Lady, That Was a Private Eye" Step into the world of Dashiell Hammett, Phillip Marlowe, and Sam Spade, for this spoof on classic film noir detective stories.  Her name is Phyliss Harlowe and her lip gloss is bulletproof.  She has a landlord who wants the rent, a secretary...

Spring Musical – Singing in the Rain

Music Hall Arlington, LLC Arlington, TX, United States

Come join us for another great Grace Prep theater performance, "Singing in the Rain". Doors Open at 6:00 pm. Curtain at 7:00 pm.