Elementary Uniform Info
While we hope you are enjoying your summer days, we know many of you are eager to get your uniforms ready to go for the new year. : )
Dress Code Updates – We wanted to remind you about some Grace Prep dress code updates. In the attached document, you will find a full description of the 2024-2025 elementary and secondary dress codes with changes and important information to note highlighted in yellow.
The Uniform Store – Pre-k-6th Grade, here is the link to the uniform store for your Grace Prep polos and plaid items. 6th grade, please make sure to read the new Dress Code guidelines above before ordering.
The Uniform Store – Lonestar Team Gear
The Grace Prep Spirit Store – This store is for sweatshirts and hoodies (which can be worn everyday), t-shirts (for spirit wear days), and jackets (which are required if you wear outerwear to school). Please check out the options, and order your spirit wear by July 8! : )