A Word from the Board

To the GPA Family,

As we close another school year, we, the Board, would like to thank you and your families for your commitment to our school and to honoring our Lord in all that we do. It has been an eventful spring, and we are sure that everyone is ready for a restful summer with plenty of activities for your families’ enrichment and enjoyment.  

As we reflect on our spring semester, we celebrate our students’ many academic and athletic achievements. Grace Prep is committed to excellence in both areas, and we are proud of the hard work and effort displayed by each student.  Our hope is that this excellence will propel each student to a standard that will be emulated by students to come and continued by the current students as they complete their 12th year here at our school.

Congratulations to the families of the 63 Seniors who just crossed the finish line at a beautiful graduation ceremony. We celebrate with each of you and wish these Seniors the best as they prepare to go out and add to their learning to fulfill God’s plan and purpose in this world. We are confident they have been prepared and will be leaders in the next season of their lives.

Please find below some updates and important announcements…

We celebrate the 4A State Art Champions…for the first time in school history, we have achieved this feat…Congratulations!!!

We celebrate the Mane News Network and its award-winning production team (16 students) for the 2023-2024 school year. This team, in its first year, achieved NTX Media Invitational 1st Place Champion for Recurring Newscast! What an amazing accomplishment! This type of achievement truly represents the output of our school in creating students who make an impact in their community, and our hope is that each student sees these accomplishments as only the beginning.  

We celebrate the results of our NTGD, which provided us with beautiful new furniture that our administration, teachers, and students have been able to enjoy and incorporate into our day-to-day functioning!

Our Board experienced a great and strategic summit at the beginning of 2024.  In this meeting, we had an opportunity to evaluate our Primary and Secondary programs, emphasizing how we could provide increased support to parents and students in a way that improves efficiency.  We also discussed how we will continue to grow to accommodate our 5A designation in a way that provides all we need for our families moving forward.

In closing, please know that it is our privilege to serve you and your families prayerfully in a way that quells your concerns and fuels your desire to have a truly thorough school experience for your students.  It has been a privilege for all board members to serve you and your families.  Specifically, I want to express it has been an honor to serve on this board for the last 6 years.  In the words of the fantastic play Hamilton, it has been a blessing to be “in the room where it happens”…for the benefit of our families and students who desire a comprehensive school experience, taking into consideration our children’s spiritual, academic, athletic and fine arts needs. It is my prayer that the Board and the administration will continue to make Grace Prep the best it can be, fitting the needs of all our families and be a beacon of light in this world.


Dr. Courtney Walker

(On behalf of the GPA Board (David Cook, Cassidy Moore, Courtney Walker, Will Eubanks, DeLario Bolton, Donna MacKenzie, Rob Franklin, Jamey Porter, Brian Evans, David Chase and Paul Storm)

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