Latest Past Events

High School Cheer Interest Meeting

ED-100 Grace Prep Auditorium 3300 Interstate 20 West, Arlington

This information meeting is for those interested in High School Cheer. Parents and student should attend. Coach Jenn Boilla will be there to meet the girls and discuss upcoming tryouts. Upcoming Dates: Grace Prep Cheer Tryouts: Location - Spirit of Texas Cheer Tryout Clinics: These are mandatory for any cheerleader who would like to tryout. Choreography...

Cheer Tryouts – 2016-2017 Varsity Squad

ED-100 Grace Prep Auditorium 3300 Interstate 20 West, Arlington

Practice - Wednesday, March 23, 3:00pm - 4:00pm. Tryouts - Thursday, March 24th, 5:00pm - 7:00pm.