Welcome Stephen F Austin and Lubbock Christian University Admission Representatives to our Campus Today

Grace Prep Education Building Foyer

High School Students: Take advantage of this opportunity to learn more about the Stephen F Austin and Lubbock Christian University. An Admissions Counselor with each school will be our campus today to visit with GPA students during lunch in the foyer. This is a good opportunity for you to "Start the Conversation" about your future...

Texas A&M Admissions Representative on Campus Today!

Grace Prep Education Building Foyer

High School Students - Take advantage of this opportunity to learn more about Texas A&M University. An Admissions Counselor will be on campus today to visit with GPA students during lunch in the foyer. This is a good opportunity for you to "Start the Conversation" about your future goals. Make time to visit and learn...

Textbook Drop Off

Grace Prep Education Building Foyer

Please bring your used textbooks to the school Wednesday: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm - GPA Foyer. Our group of volunteers will put them on the designated tables. Please be sure to follow the guidelines for tagging, pricing, and marking your books. Pick up money no later than Thursday June 16th. Thank you!