Conversation Connections

Intentionally utilizing time to talk and listen to your children can be full of blessings when it is nonjudgemental or empty of instructions. Asking questions and listening more allows your child to express their own thoughts. These kinds of conversations help establish trust and a more open way of family communication. These conversation prompts may help guide conversations in the car, at the dinner table, on walks, or at the close of the day.

What do you enjoy most about the Fall season?

How have you been blessed today?

Who were you a blessing to this week?

What does it mean to be blessed?

Name something you are thankful for that grows.

Who do you like to be with? why?

Did you hear or see something today that made you feel closer to Jesus?

What good choices did you make this week? Where did you see goodness taking place? 

Read Mark 10:13-16 as a family and discuss how the children may have felt while they were with Jesus.

Read Ephesians 2:10. What good choices have been made by our family lately?

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