Starting Now: A 30-Day Guide to Becoming Who You Want to Be in College

Have a kid headed to college?  The parenting doesn’t stop, now!  Here’s info on a great devotion book for college students.

From the Orange Ministry website: “Successfully navigating life’s transitions requires, among other things, wisdom and confidence. That’s because transitions can be hard, and certainly the transition from high school to college is a big one. Where do students begin when it comes to handling such a huge life change? What do they do when their confidence falters? How do they handle the inevitable failures, disappointments, and freedom that comes with the beginning of adult life?

In Starting Now, Crystal Chiang and Gerald Fadayomi speak directly to students in their first year of college, a transition which can be both exciting and terrifying. This interactive guide helps students think through not what they want to do in college, but who they want to be.”

Read more and order your copy here.

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